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Why faster than light travel is impossible?

Why faster than light travel is impossible?

We always seen that in science movies there are many planes and characters which can travel faster than light. These type of seens fill up us with enjoyment but it is possible or not?
Why faster than light travel is impossible

No it is not possible because how much we understand and know science there is no any object which can travel faster than light. There are many theories, principles and mathematical equation which prove that "why faster than Light travel is impossible?"
But in this article I explain only one theory which is "causality priciple". 

Why faster than light travel is impossible? 

According to the science there is no anything in universe which can travel faster than light speed. There is a very interesting fact about the light speed is that "speed of light is speed limit of the universe" said by Elbert Einstein. It is clear that the maximum speed by which an object can travel is the speed of light. But the body or object which has no mass can travel with light speed which means it has to massless.
Why faster than light travel is impossible/ faster than light travel is impossible
Now the main aim of this article to to discuss about "why faster than light travel is impossible" because it violates the causality principle. Now firstly we have to understand what is the meaning of causality and how faster than light travel violates the causality principle?
The simple meaning of the causality is the relationship between the and effect and cause always preceds effect. Without cause there is no existence of the effect. We also understand this by taking an example- we see two or three broken egg lying on the floor so we can say that firstly eggs falls down on the ground and then break down.
When egg fall down on ground it is "cause" and when they are broken down that is "effect".
It is very important for us to understand that the speed of light is also the speed of Electromagnetic waves. It is fastest speed of any information that it spread all over the universe which means light is an instrument by which we can observe the universe. It is that speed due to which time also travel in order and does not violates the causality principle.
Why faster than light travel is impossible/ why faster than light travel is not possible
If suppose information travel faster than light speed it  violate causality principle and we can see whole process in reverse order that is similar to time travelling in past which is only theoretically possible and beyond our technological capabilities.
So in this article we conclude that it is impossible to travel faster than light speed by causality principle and also there are few more concepts and mathematical concepts which we can discuss in next article.



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